About the Project

The proposed Westport Battery Energy Storage System is located on land north of Killoch Colliery between the villages of Coalhall and Ochiltree, approximately 9km west of Cumnock.

The site is located approximately 2km from the Colyton Substation. 

We are undertaking a number of technical and environmental surveys to ensure any potential impact on the environment, landscape, heritage, and local residents is appropriate assessed and mitigated. 

These detailed studies are due to be completed in the coming weeks ahead of preparing a planning application for submission later this year.

Location plan

Click image to enlarge

What is an Energy Storage System? 

The way in which we use, and generate, electricity is changing. Our electricity system is in a transitionary period to manage the increasingly complex supply and demand needs of the 21st Century, and battery energy storage systems provide an important role in this.

Battery energy storage technology supports the variable generation of renewable energy technologies by playing an important balancing and grid stability role. Battery energy storage helps support National Grid by storing energy at times when generation exceeds demand and releasing electricity back to the national grid network when demand exceeds generation.

Increasing energy storage installed capacity will be vital to support Scotland’s net-zero emissions target and help to deliver a reliable, resilient, decarbonised electricity system for the future. Battery energy storage is considered the fastest technology for responding to a sudden spike in demand or an abrupt loss of supply.

Battery energy storage can also provide grid stability (frequency of the grid) services on a second-by-second basis as well as providing additional network capacity, particularly at times of network stress.

RES has been working in the battery energy storage market for a decade and design safe storage projects using proven Lithium iron phosphate technology. RES has developed over 830MW of energy storage projects across the UK and Ireland and currently manage over 600MW of operational storage projects with 24/7/365 monitoring provided from our control centre in Glasgow.